Today whilst out in the woods a curious incident took place between prey and predator. Bailey found a baby rabbit sitting in broad daylight on top of its burrow and instead of running back down to safety when it saw him approaching, it took the 'play dead' or some might say stupid approach and just sat there blinking! Wolf and bunny now nose to nose...
Bailey carefully picked up dear bunny in his mouth but luckily he isn't in touch with his inner wolf. He hadn't quite worked out that this tasty morsel was indeed edible and placed it back down again. Bunny rabbit reaction - nada! Just continued to sit there and stare back. One flying stick later and the wolf (well hardly) was seen off. Bunny rabbit reaction - nothing, just sat there. I decided to coax it along, just to make sure it could actually move and it just hopped casually back down into the burrow.
So the Easter Bunny lives on but not for much longer if he carries on like that!
So the Easter Bunny lives on but not for much longer if he carries on like that!
He is the cutest dog in the world, I don't think he would harm a fly!